Who Can Place A Lien On Real Estate?

To determine who placed a lien on your property there's a couple steps you can take. Check any notices you’ve received in the mail, as notice is usually sent and includes details about the lien, the amount owed, and the reason for the lien. Otherwise, you can review public records at your county recorder's office, or consider requesting a title search. Common lien holders include:

  • Contractors,
  • Builders,
  • Ex-spouse,
  • Business Partners,
  • Employers,
  • Materials Delivery,
  • Governments (City, County, State, Federal),
  • Lawsuits,
  • Personal Credit Issuers,
  • Zoning Departments, and
  • HOA.

Once you identify the lienholder, you can take steps to address the lien, such as paying off the debt or disputing the claim.

To get more answers and a quote for property title search, call 1-877-848-5337.

Can another's liens affect you?

What is a mechanics lien?

Discussing mechanics liens laws.

Statutory lien and property effect.

What to do if there's a HOA lien?

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