We offer various niche title search and property report services, with a few of the more popular services available for purchase online.
- SBA Title Search: NELTEA certified title examiner abstracts a preliminary title report with the tax status, current deed, SBA recorded mortgage, and 30 year involuntary lien search, meeting the SBA 7(a) Loan, Release of Collateral / Lien (ROL), and Community Development Corporation (CDC)/504 loan requirements.
- Mortgage Assignment Chain: researches a specific property parcel for any open (unsatisfied) mortgages, along with all assignments (ownership transfers between financial institutions) that may exist for those open mortgages.
Completion time for these reports will vary dramatically, averaging 3-5 business days, depending on county records access and abstract complexity.

- Zoning: Residential & Commercial
- NELTEA Certified Abstractor
- Guaranteed Title Abstract
- 30 Year Lien Search
- Tax Status
- Recording Dates, Books, Pages
- Abstracted Current Deed
- Abstracted Liens
- Abstracted SBA Mortgage
- All Referenced Document Copies
- Pertinent Pages
- Zoning: Residential
- Certified Title Abstractor
- Guaranteed Title Abstract
- Recording Dates, Books, Pages
- Abstracted Open Mortgages
- Abstracted Open Assignments
- Chronological Assignments Chain
- All Referenced Document Copies
- Pertinent Pages