A two owner search identifies the current and prior owner(s) of a property, property tax status, and encumbrances against the property; mortgages, liens, judgments, etc. The two-owner searches offered below provide the same extensive search and title abstract. They vary in regards to the zoning type and additional document copies provided in the report.
Average completion time for a two-owner search and title report is 4-6 business days, but will vary depending on county records access and abstract complexity.
We also provide Update Title Search services for prior 2-owner searches completed by us within the last year (365 days); $125.00 for residential updates and $175.00 for commercial updates.

A two owner search includes:
- certified title abstractor
- guaranteed title abstract
- back to: prior owner transfer
- property ownership name(s)
- recording dates, books, pages
- tax status
- abstracted deeds
- abstracted mortgages
- abstracted liens
- abstracted judgments
- any other encumbrances
- encumbrance amounts
- Zoning: Residential
- Current & Prior Deed Copies
- Open Encumbrance Copies
- Pertinent Pages
- Zoning: Commercial
- Current & Prior Deed Copies
- Open Encumbrance Copies
- Full Pages
Important Notes:
When choosing a two-owner search title report, it's important to understand whether you will be responsible for copy fees, what pertinent pages vs full pages is, and what open documents vs closed documents is. Expand the sections below to learn more.
Document copies (scanned pages of deeds, mortgages, liens, etc) provided in a completed property report will vary based on the type of property report purchased.
- Some reports DO NOT include any copies; just an abstract of data from the documents.
- Other reports will include pertinent pages, priced into the listed price of the report (click here to watch a video about pertinent pages vs full copies).
- And for some reports we will include copies, but the cost of those copies will be charged separately from the report.
Where stated "+ copy fees" means we will include copies, but all copy costs charged to us by the records' office to obtain those page scans will be billed to you. We will charge your credit card separately for the copy fees -after retrieving all copies and prior to delivery of the report to you.
We DO NOT markup copy fees. Copy fees can range from county to county, provider to provider, but as a very general rule run $5 for the first page, and $1 for each additional page.
When requesting pertinent page copies or full copies for open, or more-so, open and closed documents, be aware that complex or far-dated searches can lead to a tremendous amount of copy costs. One full mortgage document alone can be 50-100 pages long.