Video Transcript:
So what's the difference between a full title search and a preliminary report? This is Dave at In many cases, we have clients that will request a preliminary report or a "prelim" report, and sometimes they'll use a phrase like "full" title search. In most cases what we'd want to do is find out what the use is or the need of that client happens to be. The reason why is there's many different uses of the phrase preliminary title report or pre-lim report. Some uses will have the preliminary report just be a printout from data -electronic records of an owner, maybe the original mortgage on a property -but not anything since then. A preliminary report might also be something that's a non-insured or non-guaranteed report that comes from third-party records, not the official property records. A full title search, on the other hand, may also have different definitions by different people. Sometimes it might be a current owner search, a two owner search. It may even be a 50 year search, depending upon who's using that phrase. So rather than getting hung up on the name or the label of a type of title search, it's more important to find out what the use is and what the scope of that search should be. Does it come from official paper documents in the government records or from third party, maybe unofficial, maybe incomplete data reports? And it's a price versus content type of trade-off. So if you do have questions about getting a premium report, a full title search, let us know. Reach us through our website at title search dot com. We can find the best type of search for your use.