Unlawful Lien Filings: Illegal Practice Of Law

Legal & Illegal Lien Filings Video Still

Video Transcript:

What is a legal lien filing and what is the unauthorized or illegal practice of law? This is Dave at TitleSearch.com. Many things can be done by the lien holder themselves and even by a third party. But there was a recent case where the filling out and filing of a lien in the lien records required either the lien holder to do it himself or hire an attorney. You can't hire just a third-party lien filing company and expecting them to do it... because advice on filing a lien had been determined to be an unauthorized practice of law, what they call UPL. Remember that real estate records are public records. Title searching is a public access type process. But if you're actually going to file a lien and want to get advice or a third-party help in actually changing real estate records or filing liens, that's something that probably an attorney needs to handle. If you do have questions about researching real estate records, researching title searches, you can reach us through our website at title search dot com.