Slander Of Title & Affects On Real Estate

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Video Transcript:

So what is slander of title and how does it affect real estate records? This is Dave at A slander of title is when a recording or some claim against a title is made that actually isn't correct. For example, if I prepared a lien document for a property and said, "I have a lien against this person or this piece of real estate," and I file in the land records... if that's not true and that's not accurate, I'm claiming this property has a lien on it, I may have legal liability for creating an encumbrance on that property that wasn't accurate. Slander of title is something which people who file liens have to be very careful about, making sure that the lien recording is correct, making sure that all the information, the legal description, the property information is all correct for that property. If they file it on the wrong property, it can have consequences because the person who's property is affected by that lien may result in losses. For example, they may lose a buyer if it's for sale. They may not be able to get financing. They may have to spend money to undo that lien. And all of those consequences will revert back normally to the person who filed that lien incorrectly. If you have questions about an incorrect lien on a piece of real estate or slander of title, you can reach us at our website at title search dot com.