The Due Diligence of Title Research

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Video Transcript:

So how can professional title research assist with commercial real estate due diligence? This is Dave at, Certified Title Abstractors. If you're doing CRE deals or some type of due diligence in the commercial area, proper records research is crucial to making sure that your deal flows properly, and that any risk is mitigated for you or for your clients. For example, correct assessment of encumbrances on that property, whether it be mortgages, liens, sometimes blanket mortgages are more likely to appear on commercial properties when there's financing in place for an institution that may own multiple properties. So if that enterprise or entity has financing on more than one property, in some cases, it's more easily discovered by finding on the principal parcel where that encumbrance exists, and it may blanket out to other properties. So if you're working on commercial real estate deals and want to check on liens, encumbrances, mortgages, even things like layered financing, where there's more than one lender that comes in at different points of the financing, a good qualified commercial real estate title abstractor is going to be crucially important. Have questions about doing research on commercial real estate -you can reach us at our website at title search dot com.