Title Searches for Government Agencies & Contractors

For any government orders, please contact us first to set up your account. We already service all major government agencies and may have your department and branch in our system under which we'll register your user. In kind, several report types have already been custom tailored exactly to department and branch needs, which may not be accurately reflected here on our public sales website.

Over the decades we've been the go-to source of title research for the IRS, DOJ, US Attorney's Office, and many other Federal and State government branches & agencies. Our title reports have been used in high-profile tax-evasion and fraud cases. Below are the most commonly ordered title search products from various departments.

Don't see what you're looking for? We are a full-suite, nationwide provider and are ready to customize any title search and abstract you need to meet your case or regulations.

Expanded Current Owner Searches

The Expanded current owner search abstract provides property information, taxes, current owner names, and details for all open (unsatisfied) encumbrances; mortgages, judgments, liens, including federal tax liens. It includes a copy of the current deed, along with pertinent page copies of all encumbrances listed in the abstract (mortgages, liens, judgments, etc).The title search comes in both residential and commercial zoning variants.
Note: While this is one of our more popular title search products ordered by government agencies, open encumbrances/copies alone may be insufficient for certain legal or research requirements. You'll need to opt instead for our Complete Current Owner Search (open and closed encumbrance search with copies) variant below.

Complete Current Owner Searches

The Complete current owner search provides property information, taxes, current owner names, current deed, and searches for all open and closed (satisfied and unsatisfied) encumbrances for the current property owner; mortgages, judgments, liens, etc. The title abstract includes a copy of the current deed, along with full page copies of all encumbrances listed in the abstract. The title search comes in both residential and commercial zoning variants.
Note: Your requirements may dictate a dated full search, meaning you need a search back 30 to 40 years. See our full searches further below for more information.

Two-Owner Searches

Our two owner searches provide the same research as the above Expanded current owner search, but researches further back... to the prior owner (current owner + prior owner). We'll research back for open encumbrances and other potential clouds on title due to the current owner, as well as the prior owner.
The residential variant includes a copy of the current deed, along with pertinent page copies of all open encumbrances listed in the abstract (mortgages, liens, judgments, etc). Whereas the commercial variant provides the same, but includes full copies of encumbrances, in which the purchaser is responsible for all copy fees incurred.

Full Searches

A full title search provides property information, taxes, current owner names, all recorded deeds (property transfers; a deed chain), and searches for encumbrances; mortgages, judgments, liens, leases, easements, etc. Searches on encumbrances can be either for open (satisfied) or open and closed (satisfied and unsatisfied).
The title report includes copies of all deeds listed in the deed chain. And again, depending on your needs, includes either pertinent or full page copies of all encumbrances listed in the abstract. The title search comes in both residential and commercial zoning variants.

Current Deed Retrieval

We'll retrieve, from official public records, a non-certified copy of the most recent deed record on a residential or commercial property.